60% examination
40% practical assessment
The theory elements will cover the following topics Anatomy and Physiology, Cardio-Respiratory system, Anaerobic and Aerobic exercise, Movement Analysis, Training, Sports Psychology, Socio-Cultural Influences, Commercialisation of Physical Activity and Sport, Ethical Issues, Health and Fitness and Use of Data.
The expectation is that students participate in a minimum of one sport outside of school. Students will be practically assessed in three different activities (one being a team activity, one as an individual and a third in either a team or in an individual event). The PE department will also run a weekend residential to Brecon to use climbing as a sport to help secure the best possible practical marks.
Paper 1: The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
- Exam; 1 hour 15 mins 30% of GCSE (78 marks)
Paper 2: Socio-cultural influences and well being in physical activity and sport
- Exam; 1 hour 15 mins 30% of GCSE (78 marks)
Practical assessment: 3 different physical activities as the role of the performer (25 marks each sport). Analysis and evaluation of performance (25 marks)
- 40% of GCSE (100 marks)
5 Year curriculum
Year 7 and 8
The aim for pupils in year 7 and 8 during Physical education is to provide an enjoyable, satisfying and balanced programme. Pupils are taught a broad and balanced curriculum for PE that covers the six different activity areas, including:
- Outwitting opponents - basketball, netball, badminton, football, rugby, handball, dodgeball, cricket, rounders.
- Accurate replication of actions, phrases and sequences – gymnastics.
- Exploring and Communicating ideas, concepts and emotions – dance.
- Performing at maximum levels in relation to speed, height, distance, strength or accuracy – athletics.
- Identifying and solving problems to overcome challenges of an adventurous nature - O&A
- Exercising safely and effectively to improve health and wellbeing.
All year 7 and 8 students receive 4 hours over the Week A and Week B of the timetable.
During Physical Education lessons students will be taught to:
- Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games
- Develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports
- Perform dances using advanced dance techniques in a range of dance styles and forms
- Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group
- Analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
- Take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs
Year 9,10 and 11
Students continue to develop on skills developed in Year 7 and 8 and are exposed to an increased range of activities and opportunities throughout Year 9,10 and 11. All Year 9 and 11 students receive 3 hours and Year 10 students receive 2 hours over the Week A and Week B of the timetable.
Numeracy and Literacy in PE
Literacy in the curriculum is comprised of four aspects:
- Listening
- Writing
- Reading
- Speaking
These are all crucial to teamwork, communication and therefore success in a sporting context.
Sport and Physical Education is forever being broken down into statistics and figures, allowing people the opportunity to work on their numeracy skills.
Different sports will allow the individuals involved to calculate differently and to test the individuals, examples of these are scoring, success rates, distance, time, angles etc.
Spiritual Development in PE
During the range of activities that students participate in, whether core PE lessons, GCSE PE lessons or extra-curricular PE sessions students develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. Students are consistently encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their learning, and showcase a willingness to reflect on their experiences.
In lessons
- Gymnastics lessons allow students to be creative in sequences and choreography
- Through the medium of Dance – Expressing personal, emotional and spiritual concepts through dance
- Outdoor and adventurous activities students have the opportunity to use imagination to solve problems
- Units of work focusing on Team building – Motivation, determination and character building; GCSE PE canoeing and Rock Climbing trip.
Moral Development in PE
PE in general teaches students about code of conduct, etiquette, handshake before and after matches, applauding the opposition, fair play, unwritten rules and sportsmanship. In all lesson students abide by the rules and regulations, gaining a good understanding of rules of sport and the importance of infringements such as penalties and red cards allow students to understand the consequences of their actions which in turn helps students apply this understanding to their own lives.
The concepts of self-discipline to excel are essential. Students are taught that the only way you can achieve in sport to a high standard is if you work hard and if you can discipline yourself to train and apply yourself.
In lessons
- Moral dilemmas in sport are always hitting the headlines. In GCSE PE, students investigate into deviance issues in sport such as the use of performance enhancing drugs and match fixing.
Social Development in PE
Students in PE use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. The willingness to participate in a variety of social setting, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively. An interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels.
In lessons
- Many practical lessons provide students with the chance to lead warm-ups, skill practices and officiate games to enhance social skills
- Sports activities and teams ran after-school focuses upon developing pupils’ social skills such as meeting new people, communicating with others and how to communicate with adults i.e., referees.
- Team captains are integral to our sports teams, liaising with everyone in the team and often having to speak and work with the opposing teams from all over the country. Pupils not only play against other schools within the Region but also nationally.
- Netball PGL trip.
- Sports Awards Presentation Evening.
Cultural Development in PE
The PE department encourages a willingness to participate in sporting opportunities that will help to develop positive attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
In lessons
- Through Dance – expression of different cultures for example Bollywood, salsa and lindy hop
- Opportunities to try and learn about different sports played internationally
- PGL Netball weekend – competing against schools from across the country in a netball competition
- Attending Sports stadiums to watch international sporting fixtures.
Prevent duty and British values in PE
We teach and reinforce the concept of ‘fair play in competition’ throughout all PE lessons and through our participation in national, local and inter-house sports competitions. The principles and practices of following rules, celebrating and rewarding success, accepting defeat, participating in activities that promote cooperation with others, and inclusion-for-all form an integral part of the P.E. core curriculum. Students take additional responsibility roles as Sports Leaders and Sport Captains.